Course:ETEC522/2010ST1/SocialTechnologies/Future Potential

From UBC Wiki

Wikis vs Wave…Future potential

Future of Wiki

In many educational settings, Wikis are only starting to be introduced as educational tools. Therefore, as teachers discover this new method of group authoring and project development, their will be a bigger and bigger demand for easy to use Wiki spaces. However, I would suggest that teachers are not interested in learning code so easy to use wikis with cool self-explanatory features will be in high demand. Stewart Mader sees Wikis, "...increasingly used for curriculum development, and enabling collaboration and information sharing among students in different classes and schools (2008)."

It would seem that with the emergence of programs like Google Wave, there is less future potential for the Wiki than perhaps was originally thought. While there is nothing inherently wrong with a Wiki it has certain limitations that a program like Google Wave does not. A Wiki is what it is: a space for groups to post, edit and re-post information and content until it is comprehensive enough to satisfy the group. What it lacks is the NOW factor.

Future of Google Wave

Google Wave has the advantage over Wikis in that it updates the page as you type. Rather than having to meet as a group separately, people can now meet constantly as they work on the project. Set meeting times are no longer necessary, since groups can just talk about what is going on as it happening. Google Wave has all the features of a Wiki space with the synchronous feature added on. For all intents and purposes, Google Wave is a Wiki, it is just a Wiki on steroids. For this reason, companies that are exposed to Google Wave will be eager to invest and the Wiki will lose customers. With the added features of Google Wave, it seems reasonable that Wikis will soon be redundant.

True, Google Wave still has a number of bugs, but considering it has only been available to the general public for a month, these are simply the necessary growing pains of any new program.

The Google Wave also provides opportunities for a plethora of people or companies to create new gadgets and gizmos that can be used within the program. For example, there is a YES/NO/MAYBE gadget that allows the group to vote on a decision. There are already dozens of other gadgets as well. Innovative minds will be eager to create new gadgets that will capture people’s imaginations.

A short-coming of Wave that may be difficult to change is its overwhelming nature, especially for those who are not tech-savvy. Waves with small memberships are easy enough to follow along with, but if 5 or more people are all editing at the same time, it is a great challenge to try to keep up with what is happening.

This short video explains further:

Potential for Learning

I think both Waves and Wiki will be useful for all elearning that uses a constructivist learning theory. Both technologies afford collaboration and knowledge building. I believe classroom teachers will also be able to use these technologies for group projects as they will allow students to easily work on projects together without actually being together. It also provides an efficient way for teachers to communicate with groups on their progress before they hand in their projects. Google Wave, in particular, is an amazing formative assessment tool.

Final Letter Grade for Future Potential


So, in terms of a “venture” for future potential, I would have to give Wikis a solid “C”, because they do not seem to have the capacity to grow the way that Google Wave does. They will always provide a place for people to gather information, so they will perhaps have a place in Online Education. However, using Wiki will soon be like driving a Hyundai when a Ferrari is available. Google Wave, I give a “B”, because of it’s potential to grow and get better as people develop it more and more. The reason it does not receive an "A" is that I'm not convinced it will be broadly used by those who are not tech-savvy. It is interesting to note that a year ago (or even less) I would have likely given Wiki’s an “A”. Perhaps in a year from now, something will come along that will make Google Wave look like a Hyundai.

Vector 5 Activity

Watch the video below as an example of how Google Wave can be used as a teaching/learning tool then respond to the following discussion questions below using the ETEC 522 course site. Tag your response M4V5.

Google Wave Example Lesson

Discussion Question 1: Do you see yourself using Google Wave as a teaching/learning tool in the future?

Discussion Question 2: Give a short explanation or scenario of how you might use it (or explain why you wouldn't!).


Mader, S. (2008). Interview: The State of Wikis in Education.