
From UBC Wiki


Green's Organic + Natural Market

Holds seminars on sustainable food, but don't have any times up yet. Keep you posted.

Metro Vancouver's Sustainability Breakfasts

Metro Vancouver hold breakfasts where people can network and learn more about sustainability. There are usually a few presentations (one recently was on urban agriculture) and the next one is on Tuesday November 9th from 7:30 to 9:00am.

Vancouver Food Policy Council Meeting

They happen every 2nd Wednesday of each month, so the next one is on November 10th from 6 to 8:30pm at City Hall. Anyone is allowed to attend, and I think at least some of us should go. They provide fair trade coffee, snacks, and a copy of the agenda


Slow Food Vancouver

They were founded in 1989, and are a non-profit member operated organization trying to get people to build a relationship with their food.

Their mission is:

  • to defend biodiversity in our food supply;
  • to spread taste education;
  • to connect producers with co-producers through events and initiatives.

They think that small-scale agriculture in cities is the future. They plan a bunch of events and have a really cool page that shows what's in season for each month I sent them an email, so we'll see what they say!

Urban Farming Operations & Agricultural Methods

Please refer to Crop Feasibility