Course:EDCP562/Chapter 7/QUESTION 1

From UBC Wiki

Technology and Curriculum Today (p.135)

- Technology today is used by some schools in the US as a tool to maintain accountability and standardized content, two major trends stemming from the No Child Left Behind Act.

- As such, policy makers and administrators are now turning to technology tools to support educational policies and control what gets taught.

Technology Supports for Curriculum as Content (p.135)

- Administrator want to make sure teachers are effectively teaching to standards.

- One way of ensuring accountability and standards content, is by making resources web-accessible to teachers.

- Teacher now rely on internet-based resources and online systems for their lessons.

Technology Supports for Curriculum as Process (p.136)

- Policymakers and administrators are now turning to technology to reinforce teaching to standards.

- This effort has led to a “data-driven decision-making movement”.

- Simply, teachers are now called upon to asses, reflect and refine their practices based on a system that measures each student against concrete standards.

-Technology seems to not only support delivery of curriculum materials aligned with standards but is also changing what gets taught in schools.