
From UBC Wiki

Natural Language Generator

Authors: Devon Kenzie and Myla White

What is the problem?

Based off of Patrick Blackburn and Kristina Striegnitz's notes, we will be implementing a "program which, given a semantic representation and a grammar, produces a sentence which, according to the grammar, is grammatical and corresponds to the semantic representation."

What is the something extra?

Our 'Natural Language' we create will be Haskell-based, that is, has grammatical and semantical rules analogous to those used in Haskell. This will be used to translate the functions implemented in the first three CPSC 312 assignments to grammatical sentences understandable to English speakers. In application, this could be used to introduce new Haskell programmers to the workings and nuances of the language itself.

What did we learn from doing this?

(This should be written after you have done the work.) What is the bottom-line? Is functional programming suitable for (part-of) the task? Make sure you include the evidence for your claims.

Links to code etc