
From UBC Wiki

Compare Words:

i) Comparing 'hey' vs 'hello:'
b. hey has decreased in frequency since the 1800's but began to rise again after the late 1970's. The use of hello remained idle all through the 1800's but began to rise in the turn of the century, and increasing significantly since the 1960's; out popularizing 'hey'
ii) Comparing liquor vs. alcohol
b. Alcohol became more frequent after 1856 and continued to grow in frequency whereas the use of liquor declined steadily.
c. i think that alcohol has become more popular because it has broader definitions other than the thing you drink to get drunk; in science in is a molecule that has and continue to be studies. It especially heightened in 1915 where there seemed to be an increase in academic research on the effect that alcohol has on a person's brain, behaviour, physiology, function, etc.