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23:38, 2 April 2016 Rid6.jpg (file) 248 KB One of the most recent and blatant perpetrators of misrepresentation, Adam Sandler's Ridiculous 6, had several Native actors as well as it's adviser walk off set due to the inappropriate and racially driven content of the script. Adam Sandler's respon... 1
23:28, 2 April 2016 300px-Ger1.jpg (file) 74 KB Films like Geronimo (1993), portrayed the Native Americans in a more sympathetic light, albeit still a problematic one. Rather than the antagonists they were portrayed as victims of circumstance. 1
23:24, 2 April 2016 Dances Avatar.jpg (file) 94 KB Films such as Dances with wolves and Avatar perpetuate the “white savior” trope, having the main white character empathize and admire the Native people after observing them as natural beautiful and pure and ultimately saving them from their western... 1
23:12, 2 April 2016 Johnny-Depp-as-Tonto-Lone-Ranger-624x438.jpg (file) 75 KB Johnny Depp portraying Tonto, a Comanche Native American in Disney's The Lone Ranger. The use of redface in the film has led to much controversy and critique on the choice of Johnny Depp to portray the character. 1
23:01, 2 April 2016 RedPower.png (file) 106 KB The 1980’s civil rights movement, Red Power, had a hand in changing the historical representations of Native people in the Americas. A shift from the passive victim to a cultural group that played a role in not only colonization, but the development... 1