Sandbox:Slais PhotoUpload

From UBC Wiki
(Redirected from Slais PhotoUpload)

1. Go to the UBC wiki: Main Page
2. Use the CWL login button in the upper right, then return to the main page
3. Upload a photo

 a.  Look to the left of the page and find the tool box.  Click “Upload File”
 b.  Upload a photo from your computer.  Copy down the file name.
    i. Ex: [[File:Somerandomfile.jpg]]

4. Go to the slais page in the wiki created for our photo guide: Slais2010. Feel free to check out other people’s pictures at this time so you can see how they have set up their page.
5. Create your own wiki page. To do this, search for whatever you want your page to be titled in the search box on the left. I have been setting up the pages as Slais_YourFirstName.

 a.  If there is no one using this already, click on the “create this page” link
 b.  Write anything in your page you wish to share.  Remember, this wiki is open to the public.
 c.  Click on the “Embedded file” button.  It should bring up an example file name.  Put in your picture's file name here.
 d. Save the page, remember the title you created

6. Go back to the class wiki page and click “Edit”. Copy the format used by your classmates to link your page into our main page. My page is linked as [Slais Davey|Davey] (I excluded the second set of brackets so that you could see the example), the Second “Davey” being the text that is shown on our main page.
7. Click Save