Course:History 344 Nasty Families/Rochester Family

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Deceased Family Members

Thomas Rochester, Father.

Agnes Rochester, Mother. Recovered from the plague.

Family Members

William. Married to a London girl. Three sons, born 1625, 1627, 1629.

Interested in coffeehouses as social clubs, but mostly just settled down into the life of a parish gentleman.

Nathanial. Junior shipping merchant. Confirmed bachelor. Lawyer. Eventually imported guns from Antwerp for Parliamentary army, after trying not to take sides. Privateer.
Claire. Married to youngest son of Winchesters.


Church of England


East Riding of Yorkshire


Rank: 3.

Means of rising to next rank: Successful privateers.

House and Garden: Looking for more land.

Estate: Basic.

Investments: Shipping, privateer vessels.

Cash on hand for the current phase

Chests of booty.

Points Spent

86 out of 86