Course:DHYG400/Block5Group c

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Oct. 5: Deanna's start to our post for Wednesday:

1)Script to allow clinician to assess the stage of change client is in with flossing:

DH: Mr. Cross, I have completed my assessment of your gingival health and I would like to discuss my findings with you.(dh to assess clients verbal and non verbal cues when addressing this question, to him)(if doesn’t want to hear, know is in precontemplation!) DH: I finding show that you have.......has anyone ever discussed this with you before?(see how client responds, if respond yes, then will know in pre or contemplation stage or relapse) DH: What is your daily oral hygiene routine? DH: What do you think about your routine? DH: What are your thoughts on flossing? DH: What do you see as benefits of adding flossing to your daily routines DH: Have you ever thought of flossing daily? DH: How did you try to incorporate flossing into your daily routine? DH: What stopped your routine of flossing? DH: What do you see stopping you from implementing flossing into your routine? DH: What barriers are present to stop you from accomplishing your goals? DH: What are your thoughts about the visual appearance of your gums DH: How do your feel when I show you that your gums are bleeding, and that you have lost bone in this localized area? DH: What are your thoughts on tooth lose? DH: Do you have anyone other than myself that can act as a support system for you? DH:What do you see as the reward for flossing daily?

      • Just my thoughts of some questions we can ask, need to refine and organize questions and show there relevance on clients stage of change.

2)Intervention related to flossing for each stage of change:

Precontemplation: Make client aware of there need to floss. Clients focus in majority is on the cons of flossing, so make them aware of some of the pros. Client is not interesting or motivated in changing their behavior so giving the OHI “spiel” will not be of benefit.

Contemplation: As client is becoming open to change. Discuss the benefits of flossing again. Show how the benefits would out weigh the losses. Offer suggestions on how to incorporate flossing into there daily schedule. Ask how client feels about flossing, pluses and minuses. Discuss there feelings. Find out what is there stopping block about starting to floss. Arm client with information about flossing ex. different types, why important, discuss the clients individual needs

Preparation: Set goals with client to accomplish a flossing routine. Start small then gradually increase, make goals attainable, not to discourage client. Pros and cons in clients head are equal, client is seeing the benefits flossing. Discuss a plan of action. Where and when to floss, where could we place floss at home or work so it can be incorporated into an eventual daily routine the easiest.

Action: Encourage client in there actions! Motivate them. Reinforce there positive behaviors. Discuss the benefits in there actions. Reinforce the goal and action plan. Encourage them to seek a support person at home to reinforce positive behavior

Maintenance: Reinforce positive behavior and action plan. Discuss challenges that may be arising, consider new action plans. Give client options if faced with adversities. Reinforce the need to have support structures in place.

Relapse: Depending on which stage the client has relapsed to, approach the client with the appropriate approach in the stage they are in. Focus on the positives Never compare to “where they were” may discourage client, they will feel like failure. Reassure them that this is normal to relapse, have to look forward, cannot focus on past, look to future outcomes. Look at why relapsed, create new plan and goal.