session description

I've modified the description a bit:

Open educational resources (OERs) are learning materials such as textbooks, videos, problem banks and more that are licensed to allow others to reuse, revise, remix, redistribute, and retain free of cost. OERs offer the opportunity to provide meaningful, contextualized learning materials that are adaptable to fit instructors’ unique goals while supporting financial accessibility for students.

This session will explore processes and strategies for adapting and developing open education resources. Participants will examine different methods for collaborating and developing resources, including textbook sprints, engaging students as co-creators, textbook writing project management, and learning design best practices for open resources.

Participants who take this session will be able to:

Identity common steps required in creating or adapting OER Discuss common pitfalls in the OER creation/adaption process Identify supports and partnerships for creating/adapting OER Discuss best practices/considerations for designing OER

ErinFields (talk)15:30, 26 August 2019

These edits are great. Thanks!

WillEngle (talk)15:54, 26 August 2019

Agreed--looks great!

ChristinaHendricks (talk)23:59, 27 August 2019