Virtual Lab #7, Question 4

Virtual Lab #7, Question 4


I am wondering if it would be possible to elaborate on what is expected of us on question 4 of the lab assignment (#7). Are we supposed to choose the soil order that best fits the data and then list its diagnostic order(s)? Or do we identify all the horizons listed in the data that COULD be diagnostic horizons for various soil orders based on the thickness associated with each of them, and then choose one soil order that best fits the data? Also, in regards to identifying the soil order, am I correct in assuming there is one that is the best fit given the data provided or could there be multiple possible soil orders and we are supposed to list all of them?

Thank you!!

MadelineWoodley (talk)18:23, 28 March 2020

For question #4 in the lab assignment #7, we expect 2 very short answers - 1st in which you will identify the diagnostic horizon(s) and 2nd in which you will identify the soil order. We do not ask for any elaboration in that question.
In some soil orders there are 2 (or more diagnostic horizons) since there are 2 (or more dominant soil forming processes). This is true for real-life situations and for some of the soil profiles listed in your question #4.
Let me give you an example of a soil profile with its horizons shown from the soil surface to parent material, to illustrate soil with couple of diagnostic horizons. Pls note that this is a different example than those mentioned in the question #4:
Both Bg1 and Bg2 are diagnostic horizons, for this soil that belongs to Gleysolic order.
So, one 1st needs to identify the diagnostic horizon(s), which imply the type of dominant soil forming process, and then one can identify the order. This also means that you guys have to learn what are diagnostic horizon(s) for each of the 10 orders and also what are the soil forming processes represented by those diagnostic horizons.

MajaKrzic (talk)20:20, 28 March 2020

That is much clearer, thank you so much!

MadelineWoodley (talk)20:49, 28 March 2020

And thank you for asking for clarification, since this type of question WILL BE on the final exam.
And I hope others are paying attention to what is discussed here ;-)

MajaKrzic (talk)20:58, 28 March 2020