Problem set #1

Problem set #1

Hand in paper copy (handwritten or typed) before 5:00 pm Friday Jan 18th. Assignment drop boxes are located outside of the lab, McMl 102A.

Do not attempt to write you answers on the question sheet - you will not have enough space.

We do not need the questions, but you can include them if you wish.

For the crossword puzzle, you can either print it out and fill it in OR write a numbered list of answers.

IF you need help, there are numerous TA office hours starting Monday Jan 14th. Alternatively you can post questions to this forum.

SandraBrown (talk)20:07, 11 January 2019

To clarify, can all of the answers to the problem sets be found in only SoilWeb200 and the lecture slides alone (is the textbook optional in this case)?


SandraBrown (talk)00:49, 14 January 2019

Key resources for the problem sets are lecture notes, lab manual and soilweb200. The textbook is optional, but if you have the text you will notice that many key figures and examples come directly from Brady and Weil. If you have any specific questions, TA office hours, PASS sessions and this forum are all great options.

SandraBrown (talk)00:51, 14 January 2019