Science:Math Exam Resources/Courses/MATH110/April 2018/Question 02 (a)/Solution 1

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Remember that the functions and are each continuous everywhere.

First, we check the denominator is continuous on the real line. Note that a composite function of two continuous functions is also continuous on its domain. Remember that is continuous on its domain . On the other hand, since is always at least , will always be at least zero. i.e., it is in the domain of the square root function. Therefore, the denominator (which is a composite of and ) is well-defined in the real line, so it is continuous on the real line.

Now, the only remaining thing to check is that the denominator is nonzero. is nonzero if and only if , and if and only if is an odd integer multiple of . Since the numerator is nonzero for these values of , we conclude that is continuous for all except , where is an integer.

Answer: is continuous at any .