Library:/Checking Licence Permissions/Permissions

From UBC Wiki


The Permissions page will tell you whether you can use materials from this resource in certain ways, such as:

  • Downloading copies for research or private study
  • Distributing print copies as a handout
  • Using copies in a print course pack
  • Posting to a Learning Management System (such as Connect)
  • Using images in course materials

A greenChecking Licence Permissions image3.jpg indicates that a specific use is permitted.

Below, you can see that using materials for print course packs from this resource is permitted.

Checking Licence Permissions image4.jpg

Also remember to check the Public Notes section at the bottom of the Permissions Page for any specific instructions (including citation requirements or instructions for reusing data). The following resource, for example, requires permission from the copyright holder to distribute print handouts:

Checking Licence Permissions image5.jpg