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Knowledge and Content:

Category/Rating Poor (0-3) Acceptable (3.5) Good (4) Excellent (5)
Adequacy of Introduction Introduction and background information was unfocussed; audience did not know what the objectives of the presentation were. Audience had an idea of the focus and objectives of the presentation, but some of the background was either missing or irrelevant. Captured audience attention; presented adequate background; objectives were clear by the end of the introduction. Captured audience attention; presented relevant background, quickly established a focus, and clearly stated objectives of the presentation.
Explanation of experimental approach and methodology Presented procedures used without demonstrating why those methods were chosen or an understanding of the principles. Presented overview of experimental approach, and described methods to be used. Presented details of the chosen experimental approach; accurate description of main principles and key steps of methods. Gave clear rationale and details for the chosen experimental approach; accurate description of main principles and key steps of methods.
Explanation of results Data was not presented clearly, and/or incorrect explanations of the results were given. Presented the data obtained from each of the methods; made a good attempt to explain the results. Presented the data obtained from each of the methods clearly; explained the meaning of each of these results. Presented the data obtained from each of the methods clearly; provided meaningful interpretation and inter-connections of results.
Clarity & accuracy of discussion; Critical judgement exercised Did not show any understanding of the significance and limitations of the research findings. Gave a good effort to explain the significance and limitations of the research findings. Demonstrated good understanding of the significance and limitations of the research findings. Articulated critical judgement and good understanding of the significance and limitations of the research findings.
Appropriateness of conclusion and take-home message Ended the presentation abruptly; or a conclusion was presented that did not reflect the main points of the presentation. Summarized main points of the presentation; audience left with a take-home message. Summarized main points of the presentation; audience left with a clear take-home message; presentation concluded logically. Summarized main points in an integrated fashion; audience left with a clear take-home message; presentation concluded logically.
Responses to questions Lacked accurate or relevant answers to most of the questions asked. Made strong effort to answer questions, and handled most questions knowledgeably, but with some hesitation. Handled most questions knowledgeably and with confidence. Handled questions knowledgeably and with confidence; demonstrated greater depth of knowledge than what was presented.

Organization and Delivery:

Category/Rating Poor (0-3) Acceptable (3.5) Good (4) Excellent (5)
Flow of information Presentation of information is disconnected; audience found it difficult to understand the main points and to follow the presentation. Logical organization of information; some gaps or pauses in the transitions between sub-topics of group members. Smooth and logical organization of information; transitions between sub-topics and group members were mostly effective. Smooth and logical organization of information; effective bridging between sub-topics and among group members; easy to follow.
Effectiveness of delivery Reading extensively from notes or the monitor; no eye contact with audience; low volume &/or speaking in a monotone. Spoke in a clear voice at an acceptable pace; occasionally relying on notes or the monitor; made some eye contact with the audience. Spoke clearly, with good volume and intonation and at a good pace; established good eye contact with the audience. Spoke clearly and confidently, with good volume and intonation and at a good pace; excellent eye contact with the audience.
Enthusiasm, professionalism Apathetic presentation of information; distracting gestures, inappropriate demeanor and/or frequent use of slang or colloquialism. Demonstrated interest for the topic; occasional distracting gestures or inappropriate choice of words. Demonstrated enthusiasm for the topic; conveyed professionalism in language and demeanor. Demonstrated a passion for the topic and instilled interest in the audience; conveyed professionalism in language and demeanor.
Use of visual aids Most visual aids were too "busy", &/or had text with too small font size or verbatim to speaker's presentation. Visual aids were used to convey information to the audience; some slides may have been difficult to understand or see clearly. Visual aids were attractive and effectively used to clearly convey information to the audience. A variety of visual aids was used to capture the attention of the audience and enhance understanding of the presented information.
Adherence to time limit Presentation was longer than 18 minutes or shorter than 12 minutes. Kept to within three minutes of the prescribed 15 minute time limit. Kept to within two minutes of the prescribed 15 minute time limit. Kept to within a minute of the prescribed 15 minute time limit.