
From UBC Wiki

Tentative Class Outline

Lecture #
(from course website)
Reading Pages Lecture Content
1-3 1-20 Introduction: Why study Entomology?
1-3 32-41 External anatomy
  • head and mouthparts
1-3 41-51 External anatomy
  • thorax, abdomen, wings, legs
4 122-126; 135-138;
Reproduction, Embryology and development
5 24-32; 164-167 Integument, Molting, and Endocrine control
15 359-361 Population Biology
16 359-361 Population Biology
8 Regulation of feeding
9 74-82 Digestion and Quantitative Nutrition
7 66-74 Respiration and Circulation
10 82-84 Excretion and Water Balance
21 2-4 Benefits of Insects
13 113-118 Vision
12 91-103 Morphology of Insect Sensilla
17 307-312 Social Insects
18 227 Insect-plant Interactions
11 58-60 Mechanics and Energetics of Flight
6 Forensic Entomology
19 385 Medical Entomology
22 Handout Insect Pathology
20 408-413 Insects as Pests
14 104-113 Communication - Pheromones
23 4-8; 15-22 Insect Biodiversity and Conservation
17 Review

Tentative Laboratory Schedule

Date Topic
Lab 1 Introduction to Taxonomy; Insect Collections
Lab 2 Insect Head and Mouthparts
Lab 3 Thorax and Legs; Wings and Wing Venation
Lab 4 Abdomen; Internal Anatomy (dissection)
Lab 5 Insect Behaviour
Lab 6 Apterygota and Primitive Pterygote Orders
Lab 7 Orthopteroid Orders
Lab 8 Hemipteroid Orders
Lab 9 Panorpoid Orders; Higher Insect Orders
Lab 10 Neuropteroid Orders
Lab 11 Other Arthropods; Insect Evolution
Lab 12 Lab Exam; Completion of Insect Collections