Display of math

Display of math

Hey Iain,

I've reformatted the solution you wrote for Question A4, you can compare with your original work in the history. I'm using the wikipedia math style guidelines that exist and which basically recommend to use html or wiki formatting whenever the latex rendering distorts the text too much. What do you think?

David Kohler17:58, 6 March 2012

I didn't realise there was a recommended style to math, I've just been going with what looks best. I think the changes you made look good here, and thanks for the heads up!

IainMoyles20:07, 6 March 2012
) Well I don't think we really have a recommendation ourselves, what the wiki community does seems pretty good and I agree with you that what should drive us is what looks best while promoting some kind of cohesion throughout the wiki. We'll see where this goes as more contributors participate.
David Kohler20:21, 6 March 2012