

I think that you topic is so important, and needs more information to bring abortion awareness. You did a really great job making your topic specific to Nova Scotia, because abortion can be a broad topic with so many different legalities in relation to different provinces and cities. I think its important to focus on current events surrounding abortion in Nova Scotia: laws, resources, common practices. I think that your page would benefit from the removal of the "other maritime provinces" section as your page is focused on Nova Scotia. Also, I think it would benefit your age to discuss current education being delivered to women in Nova Scotia around abortion. The "Fredericton Youth Feminists" are a group of female youth who bring awareness to many issues, one specifically being reproductive rights of women & abortion. I would recommend you checking them out on their website: or through their social media! I am excited to see what you produce to find out more about abortion in other provinces.

Thanks, Melissa Malo 47326153

MelissaMalo (talk)23:47, 10 November 2017

Hi Melissa,

Thanks very much for the recommendations - I have indeed decided to remove the 'other maritime provinces' sections, so thanks for confirming my thoughts on it being too unrelated. I like the source you linked - however, I think they may, in fact, be a New Brunswick, not Nova Scotia group. But thank you very much for the idea to add more info on the educational side - this would be an excellent and more relevant section than the 'other provinces' one.

Thanks again! -B

BrynShaffer (talk)03:03, 11 November 2017