Soil core total volume (volume of the metal sleeve)

Fragment of a discussion from Course talk:APBI403

Sorry Taku, I (Sandra) was on-campus yesterday afternoon.

SandraBrown (talk)20:34, 8 October 2017

I can't believe we forgot to do that... Hopefully, someone is willing to share the data with us. In the worst case scenario, I'll do the measurements and upload the data on Tuesday morning and take the penalty...

TakuhiroSomeya (talk)21:19, 8 October 2017

Taku at least 1 other group has done the same. It looks like we will not have sufficient data by the end of day for teams to do their write-ups and will need to delay the date to post all data until Tuesday.

SandraBrown (talk)22:54, 8 October 2017

Thank you, Sandra, for circulating the email to help us. Chaala was able to get the measurements from one of the other groups. I have calculated the volume and posted the result. The measurements were d=4.7cm and h=3.7cm.

TakuhiroSomeya (talk)23:29, 8 October 2017

Our core measurements for grass#4 were: d=4.7; h=3.8

AdamTodd (talk)15:23, 9 October 2017

Hi Adam, Thanks for sharing your data with us. It looks like the size of the sleeves is almost same. That's good to know!

TakuhiroSomeya (talk)04:18, 10 October 2017