
From UBC Wiki

Time to complete this module

20-25 minutes.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module you will be able to:

  • Identify one type of technology you are interested in exploring in our session
  • Explain one way that you have seen technology used well and one way you have seen technology used poorly in a class


Think about a time when you have seen technology used to enhance or support learning in a class, and a time where it hindered learning. Please share your answer to the following questions, using the Comments text box below this page.

  • Describe the situations briefly.
  • How was learning supported or hindered?
  • Was there anything the professor could do to improve the situation?
  • Did the technology seem like a natural extension of the course or another hurdle to leap?


Choose 2-3 of the sites below and visit to get a feel for what the technology is about. In the comments box, identify which sites you went to and describe how you can see this technology adding to a learning experience.

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Go Further

‘Best Practices for Using Technology in the Classroom’