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rbg,d-lay by Petra Cortright

For Petra Cortright see Petra Cortright

rgb,d-lay is a video piece created by Petra Cortright.[1] It is one of a series of short Youtube videos in which she showcases video effects and editing tools to create a segmented, yet rather beautiful dialogue and narrative.

Technical Aspects

rbg,d-lay incorporates the use of a RGB Delay plugin, which divides the images into Red, Green, and Blue vectors and then systematically delays the incorporation of each hue in the frames.[2] There are many variations to this program; RGB Split Effect in Adobe After Effects, Digieffects Channel Delay, sfFreeFrame 1210, etc.

This piece does not include sound and is presented in its rawest from; a quickly composed, 480p resolution of a girl playing with her hair. It creates its own type of meter; as one colored arm comes down, another comes up - often syncopated.

Social Implications

Most of her Youtube videos involve her as the main subjects of the projects. She uses this self-portrait implementation to incorporate a highly feminine component as a theme to most of her work. In rgb,d-lay, for example, it is the action of playing with her hair. In DRK PARA she is highly glamorized, and taking on the role of the character created by Lana Del Rey's song Dark Paradise[3]. This emphasis on femininity adds a certain new dimension to viewing her work; even works titled BRIDAL SHOWER allude to a larger, feminine intent.



Alec Korchev