Podcasts/Tutoring/Working with Students to Support Tutoring Sessions

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Working with Students to Support Tutoring Sessions

Before students attend their first tutoring session, encourage them to:

  1. Gather examples of their writing (after it has been graded, and when it incorporates feedback if possible) that showcases the specific areas that they wish to work on.
  2. Speak to you (as their instructor) or to a TA to clarify any feedback and issues that may be present with their writing, so that they are clear on what they wish to develop (and why) before attending a session.
  3. Reflect on their writing process so that they are better able to explain any difficulties they have (e.g. do they struggle to develop a writing outline before starting to write, do they find it difficult to create an effective thesis, or do they need help to design a better editing method?)

After students have attended their first tutoring session, encourage them to:

  1. Write a brief summary of their session and share this with you as something of a battle plan. This will help you keep an eye out for specific elements of their writing that they are working on, so that you may give even more tailored feedback in future assignments. It will also create a form of accountability, which will encourage students to work on what they have agreed with their tutor(s).
  2. Book a follow-up session with their tutor(s) for the same reason. Adding extra motivation and accountability to the process will help students to continue developing their writing skills.
  • If requested, provide students with examples of other work that is particularly strong in the areas that they are trying to improve, so that they can view examples while honing their skills. This need not be from the same class if you are worried about confidentiality or plagiarism issues.