Course:HIST102:Notes from Team B-Sommer/Miki-lee's - Opening Statement

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Copied from 'Zones' Team B debate team opening statement

"The creation of states has been characterized by nations forming boundaries in order to protect their resources, interests, and identity from neighboring nations. For example, in nineteenth century Europe, national sentiments increased feelings of national pride, political loyalty and cultural identity, which created tensions between nations who did not subscribe to similar ideologies. States were created based on a country’s dominant ideology, however, any cultural minority group within a state’s borders found themselves marginalized and pushed to the periphery of society"

{this statement can be disproved by the diffusion of enlightened ideas creating rebellion and social change in Europe. For example, the striving of Marx for the welfare of the peoples. These countries all shared and were influenced by the writings of intellectuals from all these systems evolved based on the same shared ideas. These social systems were far more inclusive and stable}

"The creation of states and colonization are the products of communities seeking to protect their cultural and political identities"

"In Europe, countries that were able to maintain their dominant ideology and defend their borders such as England, France, and Spain became the most powerful countries."

{these countries became powerful due to control of long distance positive, beneficial interaction between diff. cultures. adaptation- learn languages and "pleasantries" such as avoidance of social fo-pa' adoption of Islamic religion in Africa for the purpose of trade, or the development of a trade language like swahili}

"Since physical borders often to not represent actual cultural separation and create a fragmentation of ethnic land, ethnic groups are forced to straddle political borders that do not represent actual cultural divides. These groups threaten state security and thus add to strife between the majority and minorities, as well as between neighboring countries."

"As European presence increased in South Africa, many were forced to take part in the Great Trek eastward to avoid British rule or remain outside the sphere of their influence"

{ re: anti slave laws, this involved european colonists (who?) unwilling to give up their slaves due to British anti-slavery law, these colonists also moved into land made empty by indigenous African conflict, which has been documented as occurring for centuries, ie. Bantu migrations which revealed a degree of integration with the hunter gatherer and fishing peoples they encountered}

"Africans would experience colonial expansion and exploitation, which would eventually lead to a “civilizing mission” as an attempt by Europeans to somewhat assimilate Africans into their own cultural realm, which gives further evidence to the turmoil that came about as a result of this clash of cultures."

{In southern Africa, the settlement of the Dutch at Cape Town established a trading post that brought the Khoisan and the Bantu-speaking herders and farmers to the same area. Over time they mingled and produced offsprings known as the Coloured which are mainly Khoisan and European. This group later rise up to take control of the area after the Napoleonic war. In eastern Africa, the trading among the various different local tribes and the foreigner necessitated a common language for trade and Swahili was born in this zone of interaction.--VanessaCleary 06:05, 10 September 2009 (UTC)}

"the fall of the Ottoman Empire signified the rise of nationalistic sentiments and conflict. The Empire’s demise had a lot to do with the under representation of ethnic minorities and the rise of nationalism."

"Nationalism of its ethnic groups lead to the superseding of loyalty to the Ottoman Empire, and foreign influence weakened loyalty to the dominating ideology."

"Oppressed ethnic groups such as the Native Americans in Canada and the Unites States, the Africans of South Africa, and emancipated slaves of the North America, the Caribbean, and South America; have violently clashed with government troops in an effort to assert their cultural identity and political rights in countries that have refused to acknowledge their independence. Finally, one of the most significant examples of the occurrence of conflict between cultural groups in zones of interaction is the perpetual tension and often, violent conflict between Jewish Israelis and the Palestinians"

"In effort to secure defenses against foreign ideologies, the proliferation of resources and arms create tension along borders; subsequently, perpetuating tension and conflict between different cultural and/or ethnic groups along zones of interaction."

{note conflict of statements in regards to borders. Marginalized ethnic groups straddling borders, borders zones of conflict...if these people are attacking themselves, this reveals an integration, they are exhibiting a level of national sentiments and therefore integration}

{week argument about trade along borders...describes illegal trade and examples unrelated to section three}SarahAnnMariePreston 01:01, 8 September 2009 (UTC)[Sept 7th 5:51PM]