Sandbox:Modern Europe comps suggestions

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Wiki for History of Modern Europe reading lists --Please include your initials after new additions to the lists --Initial categories are from Birga --It is common to divide each major field into 2 parts, though other arrangements are possible --Each part of a major field normally has 40-50 books (3-4 articles = approx 1 book)--thus 80-100 books for the field as a whole

For separate nationalism list, see: Nationalism Lists For separate forced migration list, see: Migration For separate environmental history list, see: Environmental history

1. Modern Europe overview

A. General reflections on Modern European History

B. Ancient Regime, French Revolution and the revolutionary wars

Chartier, Roger. The Cultural Origins of the French Revolution. EG Darnton, Robert. The Great Cat Massacre. EG Doyle, William. Origins of the French Revolution, 2nd ed. EG Goubert, Pierre. The Ancien Regime. EG Hunt, Lynn. Politics, Culture, and Class in the French Revolution. EG Sewell, William. Work & Revolution in France: The Language of Labor from the Old Regime to 1848. EG Woloch, Isser. "On the Latent Illiberalism of the French Revolution," AHR, 95 (Dec. 1990), 1452-70. EG Woloch, Isser. The New Regime: Transformations of the French Civic Order, 1789-1820. EG

C. The Empires, The Rise of the Nation States

Weber, Eugen. Peasants into Frenchmen: the Modernization of Rural France, 1870-1914. EG

D. 1848

Namier, Lewis. 1848: The Revolution of the Intellectuals. EG Sperber, Jonathan. The European Revolutions, 1848-1851. EG

E. Industrial Revolutions

F. The Two World Wars and the restructuring of Europe

Browning, Christopher. The Path to Genocide. EG Hilberg, Raul. The Destruction of European Jews. EG Marrus, Michael. The Holocaust in History. EG

G. The Cold War

H. 1989/90

Garton Ash, Timothy. The Magic Lantern: The Revolution of '89. EG Kenney, Padraic. Carnival of Revolution. EG

2. Regional focus: Central, Southern Europe, Russia/USSR

A. The Habsburg Monarchy until 1867

Deak, Istvan. The Lawful Revolution: Louis Kossuth and the Hungarians, 1848-1849. EG Ingrao, Charles. The Habsburg Monarchy 1618-1815. EG Macartney. The Habsburg Empire, 1790-1918. EG Wolff, Larry. Inventing Eastern Europe. EG

B. The Dual Monarchy from 1867 till 1914

Deak, Istvan. Beyond Nationalism: A Social and Political History of the Habsburg Officer Corps, 1848-1918. EG Judson, Pieter. Exclusive Revolutionaries. EG Judson, Pieter and Rozenblit, Marsha. Constructing Nationalities in East Central Europe. EG King, Jeremy. Budweisers into Czechs and Germans. EG Pulzer, Peter. The Rise of Political Anti-Semitism in Germany and Austria. EG Rozenblit, Marsha. The Jews of Vienna 1867-1914. EG Schorske, Carl. Fin de Siecle Vienna. EG Williamson. Austria-Hungary and the Origins of the First World War. EG Zeman, Z.A.B. The Break-up of the Habsburg Empire 1914-1918. EG

C. The Risorgimento

D. Prussia/Germany

Allen, William Sheridan. The Nazi Seizure of Power. EG Blackbourn, David & Eley, Geoff. The Peculiarities of German History. 1984. EG Bock, Gisela. "Antinatalism, Maternity and Paternity in National Socialist Racism," Bock & Thane, Maternity and Gender Policies. 1991. EG Burleigh & Wippermann. The Racial State. EG Childers & Caplan. Reevaluating the Third Reich. EG Crew, David. Nazism and German Society, 1933-1945. EG Fulbrook, Mary. The Divided Nation: A History of Germany 1918-1990. EG Gay, Peter. Weimar Culture. EG Hagen, William. Germans, Poles, and Jews: The Nationality Conflict in the Prussian East 1772-1914. EG Joll, James. Origins of the First World War. EG Maier, Charles. The Unmasterable Past: History, Holocaust and German National Identity. EG Moeller, Robert. "The Kaiserreich Recast? Continuity and Change in Modern German Historiography," Journal of Social History 17, No. 4: 655-683. EG Nolan, Mary. Visions of Modernity. EG Peukert, Detlev. Inside Nazi Germany. EG Peukert, Detlef. Weimar Republic. EG Volkov, Shulamith. "Anti-Semitism as a Cultural Code," Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook 23 (1978): 25-46. EG

E. The “Balkans”/Yugoslavia

F. The World Wars and their aftermath

G. 20th Century Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Rumania

Ash, Timothy Garton. The Polish Revolution. EG Havel, Vaclav. Living in Truth. EG Janos, Andrew. The Politics of Backwardness in Hungary, 1825-1945. EG amatey and Luza (eds.). A History of the Czechoslovak Republic 1918-48. EG Mendelsohn, Ezra. The Jews of East Central Europe. EG Renner, Hans. A History of Czechoslovakia since 1945. EG Rothschild, Joseph. East Central Europe between the Two World Wars. EG Rothschild, Joseph. Return to Diversity: A Political History of ECE since 1945. EG Sugar, Peter et al. A History of Hungary. EG Wandycz, Piotr. The Lands of Partitioned Poland 1795-1918.

H. Nationalism in Eastern Europe

Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Community. EG Breuilly, John. Nationalism and the State. EG Brock, Peter and Skilling, Gordon ed. The Czech National Renascence of the Nineteenth Century. EG Chlebowczyk, Józef. On Small and Young Nations in Europe. EG Cohen, Gary. The Politics of Ethnic Survival: Germans in Prague 1861-1914. EG Connor, Walker. Ethnonationalism: the Quest for Understanding. EG Gellner, Ernest. Nations and Nationalism. EG Hroch, Miroslav. Social Preconditions for National Revival in Europe. EG Seton-Watson, Hugh. Nations and States. EG Smith, Anthony. The Ethnic Origins of Nations. EG Sugar, Peter and Lederer, Ivo, ed. Nationalism in Eastern Europe. EG

I. Russia and the Soviet Union

Marc Raeff. Understanding Imperial Russia. AK Ernest A. Zitser. Transfigured kingdom: Sacred parody and charismatic authority at the court of Peter the Great. AK Eds. Jane Burbank and David Ransel. Imperial Russia: New Histories for the Empire. AK Eds. Ben Eklov, John Bushnell, Larissa Zakharova. Russia's great reforms, 1855-1881. AK Richard Stites. The Women's Liberation Movement in Russia: Feminism, Nihilism and Bolshevism, 1860-1930. AK Sheila Fitzpatrick. The Russian Revolution, 1917-1932. AK Orlando Figes. A People's Tragedy: A History of the Russian Revolution. AK Peter Holquist. Making War, Forging revolution: Russias Continuum of Crises, 1914-1921. AK Ed. William G. Rosenberg. Bolshevik Visions: First Phase of the Cultural Revolution in Soviet Russia. Part 1. AK Kendall Bailes. Technology and Society under Lenin and Stalin: Origins of the Soviet Technical Intelligentsia. AK Yuri Slezkine. Arctic Mirrors: Russia and the small people of the North. AK Douglas Northrop. Veiled Empire: Gender and power in Stalinist Central Asia. AK Ed. Chris Ward. The Stalinist dictatorship. AK Ed. Sheila Fitzpatrick. Stalinism: New Directions. AK Katerina Clark. The Soviet Novel: History as ritual. AK David L. Hoffmann. Stalinist values: the cultural norms of Soviet modernity. AK Alexander Werth. Russia at War, 1941-1945. AK Geofffrey Roberts. Stalin's wars: from World War to Cold War, 1939-1953. AK Ronald Suny. The Soviet experiment: Russia, the USSR, and the successor states. AK