Library:PublishingArticles/Find journals by subject

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Find journals by subject area

  • Web of Science Despite its name, WoS is a multidisciplinary resource. Search by keywords for your topic, then click on "Source Titles" (in the Refine Results menu on the left) to see a list of journals.
  • JANE: Journal Author Name Estimator Enter your abstract or other key words and retrieve up to 50 suggested journals from the health sciences journals listed in the PubMed database.
  • Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Search by broad subject area to find a list of journals. Includes only science and social sciences journals. Instructional Video
  • Ulrichsweb This comprehensive directory includes journals in all subject areas, including titles in Humanities and Social Sciences that are not that are not included in Journal Citation Reports. Choose "Advanced Search", open the "Subject – Exact" drop down menu, and enter a letter to select from a list of subjects.
  • Research Guides list databases for a particular discipline on the "Articles" or "Journals" tab. Search by keywords for your topic and note journal titles.
  • Summon, the search box on the library home page, offers filters to "Scholarly and Peer-Review", by discipline, and by year. Search by keywords for your topic, then apply filters to find, for example, articles in peer reviewed journals published since 2010. Scan the result list for journal names.