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Abortions have been a world-wide controversial topic of discussion. However, Canada has been progressive in their actions and decriminalized abortions in 1988, after the 15th Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau, set a change in motions after introducing a bill amending the Criminal Code in 1967. The Criminal Law Act of 1968-1969, that was passed on May 14th, 1969, allowed for women to obtain professional help with abortions if their life was potentially in danger. Although abortions weren't legalized completely yet, this bill made contraceptives and homosexuality legal.

Soviet Russia was the first country to legalize abortions in 1919, followed by other North Western European countries like Iceland (1935) and Sweden (1938); Canada eventually followed in 1988.

Turning Point

Morton Shulman, an ambitious Canadian physician, politician, businessman and a best selling author, had a role in the reconsideration of abortion laws in Canada. After being elected Ontario's Chief Coroner in the 1960s, he asked for public inquests into each abortion death, in hopes to publicize the reason for deaths in mothers. 34 year old Lottie Leanne