Forgetful snow

From UBC Wiki

"Snow and Forgetfulness"

Winter is a curious season
Curiouser and curiouser
Stillness is a winter morning
Fresh fallen snow that is not yet disturbed

Yet Saturnalia dances with Baby Jesus

In the glow of a blazing kinara
And the twirling dreidel.
Embraced in a miasma of carols and silver bells

All eagerly run to the end
Of the year.
Partridges and milkmaids in tow
With pockets full of golden rings

Resolutions and optimism fall
As numerous snowflakes
A blanket of white
Covering everything
All footprints and signs
Of life are covered
Hiding all flaws, errors
Filling the cracks
A white oblivion
Enveloping evidence of our existence.

No one will know if we don't tell.
No one will know if they don't ask.
No reason to ask
Peaceful snow
Rest in peace
In your sepulcher of stillness

All sins will be revealed in the thaw
In born in mulch and rotton leaves

All is the same
No one can tell.
For brown is brown.
Filth is
Filth does
Until it crowns
Itself in wildflowers.