Family Violence Theory

From UBC Wiki

This theoretical perspective emphasizes that family violence is one method family members use to resolve the universal and inevitable conflict that exists between family members (see Conflict theory wiki page). This perspective uses the term "family violence" rather than "intimate partner violence" (or some other more specific term) to emphasize that the family, not the individuals within it, is the primary unit of analysis.

Hence this perspective strongly critiques theories of family violence that individualize or pathologize family members, asserting instead that "family violence is not the result of individual pathology, but is a 'normal part of family life in most societies and in America'" (Lawson, 2012, p. 575, citing Gelles & Straus, 1979, p. 549).

Within this broad theoretical paradigm are several theories that try to explain why family members use violence: systems theory (see Conflict theory wiki page), exchange theory (see Exchange/bargaining wiki page), ecological theory (see Ecological theory wiki page), and resource theory (see Resource theory wiki page).