
From UBC Wiki


Creative Class Projects

Students can be asked to create class video projects that not only shows what they learned in the course but also highlight their creativity. For example, student groups in FNH 200 were tasked to create educational videos about a specific topics in food science geared towards students outside of their class. Explore the videos at The videos ranged from crime-style dramas discussing food poisoning to a simulated reality-show cooking competition. With clearly written criteria, students were able to engage with the course material by applying them in a variety of contexts..

Videoblogging for Reflections

Videoblogs (vlogs) are blogs that primarily use video to create regular posts instead of writing them. Authors typically share their opinions about a certain topic or use the blog as a reflective space for their own thoughts. Some authors find it easier to express themselves verbally as they can take advantage of their voice to convey emotion and meaning. Students can be asked to create private blogs and reflect upon topics discussed in class. It enables instructors to assess a student's understanding, what are the connections they are making, and how they are processing what they're learning.