Documentation:EHealth Strategy Office/Tech Support/EHSO web admin FAQ

From UBC Wiki

This page contains some of the commonly asked questions for those administering the eHealth Strategy Office website. A much fuller support section is provided in the CMS documentation section of the UBC wiki.


Where do I edit the main web menu? Go to Appearance > Menus, and check that TOP_NAV is selected. Note that only the top two levels will appear in the menu.

What format should I use for Citations on our website? We are currently using the AMA style with full journal names. Please note that under this format, publications with up to 6 authors list all authors, and those with more list 3 authors & ", et al."

Blog posts

How do I create a new category? Tags can be created under Posts > Tags. Each tag will have an archive page at /category/[name of tag].

How do I add blog posts to the bottom of a project page? When a project is created, add a loop script at the bottom of the page. Here is an example in text view:

Add image here

How do I post a new slideshow entry?

  • If a new blog post is going to be added to the homepage slideshow, the featured image on that post should have a resolution of at least 2000 x 1000 pixels.
  • To have it show up, you need 1. tag the post with 'slideshow,' 2. set the featured image, & 3. add the featured text to the 'excerpt' field on main post editing page.
  • To change the number of slides that cycle in the slideshow, go to Theme Options > Front Page.

How do I post to the News page? Posts to the News page should also have a featured image and feature text. The post will appear on the News page once the 'News' category is checked. The feature image can be smaller if it will not be part of the slideshow.

Embedded Media

How do I post a front page video?

  • The video must first be posted to YouTube (this is done by Jon).
  • You may then update the video under Appearance > Widgets. Under the Frontpage > text portion of the Widgets page, replace the YouTube link and the text.
  • If this is a project video (e.g. Health-e-Apps), remember to also post it to the project or resource page. Here is the process for Health-e-Apps:
    • Add the previous video to the list of previous videos.
    • Update the link and copy for the new video in the current video section.
    • Add download links to the new app at the bottom of the page.