Course:DHYG461/Block3 Group 1

From UBC Wiki

Hello Group, just wanted to see if this works Post something on here so we know it is working

Hey, it's Stephanie, glad to see we have one common work space now, will be much easier to write group papers. Hi, its Rosie. I can say that I found it. Who is this? Group C or Group 1?, This is Karen from Group C, Block 3!

Hey Karen

Its Deanna of group 1, sorry but you are in the wrong page. I made a mistake when i set up the page and thought we where group 3 but we are actually group 1, tried to fix it but ended up re-rooting us to this page. Sorry stole you name of group, won't happen again...

Anyways Hello Stephanie and Rosie!!! Here is my attempt at our post for this week:

Clinical Therapy:

Problem: Does time in contact with teeth affect fluoride uptake

Intervention: when topical fluoride is delivered in trays

Comparison: for 1 minute verses 4 minutes

Outcome: is there a measurable difference in uptake of fluoride

  • Does time in contact with teeth affect fluoride uptake when topical fluoride is delivered in trays for 1 minute verses 4 minutes, is there a measurable difference in the uptake of fluoride.

Alternate terms that can be used in PICO question: acidulated phosphate fluoride, non-acidulated phosphate fluoride


Problem: Does accreditation of the dental hygiene school

Intervention: affect the level of entry to practice knowledge of students

Comparison: between accredited and non accredited schools

Outcomes: for successfully passing the National Dental Hygiene Certification Board Exam (NDHCB)

  • Does accreditation of the dental hygiene school affect the level of entry to practice knowledge of students between accredited and non accredited schools for successfully passing the National Dental Hygiene Certification Board Exam (NDHCB)

Alternate terms that can be used in PICO questions: Joint commission of Accreditation of Healthcare Organization, Knowledge acquisition

Health Promotion:

Patient/Problem: Can patients perform Modified Bass toothbrushing technique for 6 weeks

Intervention: of oral hygiene instruction

Comparison: when originally just given verbal instruction compared to verbal instruction and to asking client to demonstrate back technique

Outcome: by showing reduction in their plaque and bleeding index at re-evaluation appointment

  • Can patients perform Modified Bass toothbrushing technique for 6 weeks of oral hygiene instruction when originally just given verbal instruction compared to verbal instruction and asking client to demonstrate back technique by showing reduction in their plaque and bleeding index at re-evaluation appointment.

Alternate terms that can be used in PICO question: Bass toothbrushing technique, Oral hygiene index, Oral hygiene indices, evaluation


Patient/Problem: Will attendance to periodontal maintenance appointment

Intervention: be affected if client

Comparison: is given a reminder call about appointment compared to no reminder call

Outcome: in compliance with periodontal maintenance schedule

  • Will attendance to periodontal maintenance appointment be affected if client is given a reminder call about appointment compared to no reminder call in compliance with periodontal maintenance schedule.

Alternate terms that can be used in PICO Dental appointment, Medical appointment, Patient appointments, Dental Prophylaxis, Dental Scaling, Root Planing, Preventive Dentistry, Patient Compliance

Just a best attempt.


Hey, it's Stephanie, here are some more questions we may be able to use, please let me know what you think.

Clinical Therapy:

P - Can a dental clinician improve the longevity of a pit and fissure sealant I - by using a drying agent after etching, C - compared to etching and immediate placement of the sealant O - to improve adhesion and retention rates of the material?

Can a dental clinician improve the longevity of a pit and fissure sealant by using a drying agent after etching, compared to etching and immediate placement of the sealant to improve adhesion and retention rates of the material?


P - For a class of DH students with low success rates on their practical examinations, I - would higher levels of clinical experience of their educators C - compared to little or no clinical experience, O - improve their clinical skills and success rates in the dental hygiene program?

For a class of dental hygiene students with low success rates on their practical examinations, would higher levels of clinical experience of their educators, compared to little of no clinical experience, improve their clinical skills and success rates in the dental hygiene program?

Health Promotion:

P - Can patients effectively remove the bacterial biofilm on their interproximal tooth surfaces I - with unwaxed dental floss C - compared to using a waxed dental floss, O - to improve their plaque and bleeding scores?

Can patients effectively remove the bacterial biofilm on their interproximal tooth surfaces with unwaxed dental floss, compared to using a waxed dental floss, to improve their plaque and bleeding scores?


P - Can a dental team increase the amount of new patients coming to the practice I - by verbally asking current patients for invitations/referrals C - compared to advertising O - to increase the office’ patient base?

Can a dental team increase the amount of new patients coming to the practice, by verbally asking current patients for invitations/referrals, compared to advertising to increase the office’ patient base?