Course talk:PHYS341/2018/project/ramune

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Peer Review 2007:35, 26 March 2018
Peer Review 1106:44, 26 March 2018

Peer Review 2

What an interesting and well thought out project! I appreciate the thoroughness and don't have much to contribute other than perhaps suggesting that maybe link some of your keywords as hyperlinks to their own wiki definition pages and such. I often find myself clicking through definitions and that would help streamline my understanding of the terms you were using!

Another note that is not so much content but formatting is regarding the pictures of your measurements! I'd love to see a bigger version that I didn't have to click and move away from the actual page.

Also another suggestion might be on how it could be incorporated into a musical piece or modified/tuned to gain more musical qualities. Great concept though!

TheodoreLi1 (talk)07:35, 26 March 2018

Peer Review 1

Comments for "Physical Properties": -It would be nice to explain the horizontal axis. Give a picture with a reference or explain the reference point. I was confused with the orientation of the candy and which way was horizontal. -The candy was described very thoroughly. In terms of the measurements that you gave, are the numbers significant to the physics and the sound? I understand that this is just a description of the candy, but the way it is phrased seems like it could play a part in the physics. -Why was the candy dissolved at room temperature water? If the candy is being eaten/used to whistle, it would be at body temperature, which would give you a different time result. Even with a new time measurement, I don't see this information as being relevant to the description of the candy itself.

Comments for "Musical Properties" -I really like everything in this section, every sub-section is really well-explained. I also like how you incorporated a bit of musical history and how this candy mimics that musical skill. -The physics explanation looks good to me! I'll let Professor Waltham confirm the correctness of it...

Overall this is an excellent draft!

SherinaTang (talk)23:07, 19 March 2018

Thanks for the notes Sherina!

I was looking for a way to incorporate the measurements on the candy in the pictures, without causing too much clutter on the image. I think the background limited that more than I would like, so I'll be sure to get another profile of the candy.

As for the experiment, it was shoehorned in, to get an idea of how long you would be able to "play" the candy before you'd need get a fresh one. I wanted to do a proper test, but last minute deadlines caught up with me and the room temp test was all that was achievable in my time limit. However, thanks for the comment on the test itself. If it isn't relevant, then there really is no need to include it in the wiki anyways.


BrandenAllenGregoryKeeler (talk)06:44, 26 March 2018