Course talk:EDCP333/2012Groups/socialclass

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Things for the class room (ie lesson plans, activities, maps, graphs)301:50, 23 October 2012
links123:45, 15 October 2012
Contacts405:12, 6 October 2012
Contents/Section Headings220:26, 5 October 2012
Ideas to consider 201:29, 2 October 2012
What up?101:19, 2 October 2012

Things for the class room (ie lesson plans, activities, maps, graphs)

Just had an idea for a lesson plan that could incorporate social class. In Grade 8 you study the french revolution and to start that unit, you could do a lesson on what is social class, what it looked like back then and what it looks like know. Not only could you teach about social class but you make the history of it relevant. I will make a rudementry lesson plan when I have some time. But what do you guys think? I put up a lesson plan I did for 360 up already that also ties into social class. Does it work?

TravisSmid (talk)00:14, 11 October 2012

hey those look really good!! I have an idea for a class for the industrial not sure which grade that gets covered in though. I will look into it and come up with something in the next day or two, any other ideas??

NicoleFriesen (talk)05:24, 15 October 2012

grade 10 lesson plan on immigration

NicoleFriesen (talk)01:27, 23 October 2012

class consciousness

NicoleFriesen (talk)01:50, 23 October 2012 778-968-3270

TravisSmid (talk)02:04, 2 October 2012 604-761-1374

SimonEdwards (talk)18:51, 2 October 2012 604-880-4176

RosalieDavis (talk)01:57, 3 October 2012

NicoleFriesen (talk)05:12, 6 October 2012

604 789 4636

NicoleFriesen (talk)05:12, 6 October 2012

Contents/Section Headings

Post Ideas here for sections we should have. Thus far, suggested have been: - Introduction - History of Social Class

GordonRandall (talk)01:30, 2 October 2012

contents = Introduction: definition of social class - Background / BC curriculum: Social class / resources: literature - links - other / teacher resources: lesson plans - activities / bibliography. = maybe something like that

SimonEdwards (talk)18:57, 2 October 2012

I was thinking for a lesson plan we should have each of do a lesson plan on each of the grades so one dicussing social class for grade 8,9,10,11,12.

SimonEdwards (talk)20:26, 5 October 2012

Ideas to consider

What is social class? What does is mean to talk about social class and education?

TravisSmid (talk)01:20, 2 October 2012

Lighten up, Smiddy

GordonRandall (talk)01:20, 2 October 2012

I am not to sure on how we are supposed to go about doing the wiki. but i think we should approach it from a history perspective

i think we should do an introduction then look at the history of social class then teaching social class in the classroom resources

SimonEdwards (talk)01:29, 2 October 2012