
From UBC Wiki

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the on-line quizzes, successful students will be able to:

1. Critically analyze connections between food, health, and the environment within a community food security discourse.

  • Evaluate the contributions of different food-related academic disciplines to addressing community food security issues
  • Integrate disciplinary and systems approaches to understanding community food security issues
  • Articulate the principles of Asset-Based Community Development and Food Justice
  • Assess the quality of reasoning about a problem, issue or situation

3. Interact professionally with project team members and community stakeholders

  • Participate collaboratively as an effective team member, and provide constructive 
feedback to peers
  • Reflect on and assess personal experiences gained through participating in a collaborative community-based project


We use a two-staged quiz format in LFS 350. In a two-stage quiz, students first complete and turn in the quiz individually and then, working in small groups, answer the questions again. During the group part students receive immediate, targeted feedback on their solutions from their fellow students and see alternative approaches to the problems. This makes the quiz itself a valuable learning experience while also providing opportunities to develop collaborative learning skills.

There will be four, in-person individual multiple choice quizzes throughout the term (see Canvas for specific dates). The quizzes are worth 20% of the overall course grade (15% towards individual grades and 5% through results of the team quizzes). At the end of the term, the lowest individual quiz score will be dropped from the total. The questions in the quizzes will help you master key terms and concepts in the course and analyze the logical structure of lectures and readings in the course by focusing on the following:

  • Definitions of key concepts and theories
  • Articulating purpose and key questions in lectures and readings
  • Identifying evidence used to support claims and conclusions in lectures and readings
  • Interrogating assumptions and beliefs of authors
  • Reflecting on consequences and implications of specific lines of reasoning