
From UBC Wiki

Hazard Assessment of Lynn Creek Watershed

Sections have been created for each of the four sites to be assessed. Please add a new section for each additional new topic, and add your contributions to the appropriate topic area.

The assignment is found here.

The development proposal is found here.

An overlay showing the aerial photograph and topographic map is found here.

Typical Sediment Deposits

There are a range of sediment deposits in the drainage basin. Here is an example of a basal till exposure

Here is a photograph of a laminated silt/clay deposit overlain by a coarse bouldery deposit found adjacent to the trail

Here is an example of typical sediment deposits in the lower part of the channel.

To get a sense of the range of flows that are common at Lynn Creek, here is a photo from the bridge taken at low flow, and here is one taken at high flow.

Lower Road: Site 1

This is the section of the proposed road starting at the bridge and extending about half way to the bridge location

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Upper Road: Site 2

This is the section proposed road extending up to the proposed bridge location

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Proposed Bridge: Site 3

The location is just upstream of the vegetated island at the mouth of Kennedy Creek.

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Proposed Development: Site 4

Located on the fan north of Kennedy Creek.
