
From UBC Wiki
The Economics of International Trade and the Environment
FRE 420
Instructor: Dr. Carol A McAusland
Email: []

Office: McML 337
Office Hours: Tu/Th 2-3 PM, or by appointment.
Class Schedule: Tu/Th 9:30 -10:50 AM
Classroom: MCML 160
Important Course Pages
Lecture Notes
Course Discussion


Econ 301 or COMM 295 or "6 credits of upper-level Econ or FRE". You will be expected to:

  • Differentiate
  • Integrate
  • Calculate first-order conditions for interior optima


In light of the move to all-online instruction and evaluation, the final exam has been canceled. Your final grade will be calculated as follows:

Assessment Tool Percent of Grade
In-class experiments 3
Quizzes (Your best three on four 40-min quizzes) 70
Substance 13
Style (Verbal) 6
Annotated Bibliography 8
Total 100

Course Outline

Quick tour of environmental economics

  • Externalities
  • Pigouvian taxes
  • Optimal abatement/pollution
  • Public goods & bads

Quick tour of international economics - Why do we trade?

  • Differences in comparative advantage
  • Ricardian
  • Factor endowments
  • Variety
  • Economies of scale & heterogeneity
  • Abnormal profits

Classic T&E: Does trade help or hurt the environment?

  • Non-Transboundary
  1. Exacerbate or correct distortions?
  2. Income effects
  3. Political economy
  4. Footlooseness
  • Transboundary
  1. Institutions
  2. Why does the WTO get involved?

Deeper Dives

  • Carbon Leakage
  1. Causes
  2. Amount
  • Leakage Solutions
  1. Border carbon adjustments (BCAs)
  2. Destination-based carbon policy (DBCP) such as carbon footprint taxes (CFT)
  3. Output based allocations (OBA)
  4. Divestment · CAP as constraint
  • Multilateral Environmental Agreements  & WTO
  • If Time Permits
  1. CITES (Elephants & poaching)
  2. Waste Trade
  3. Migration & environment
  4. Invasives
  5. Transport