Course:CPSC532:StaRAI:2017:Zilun Peng

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CPSC 532 Zilun Peng's Results

Note: Tuffy results are different from what I reported before

Method ml-60k ASE ml-60k Log loss ml-1m ASE ml-1m Log Loss Yelp ASE Yelp Log Loss
Predict 0.5 0.25 1 ? ? ? ?
training average 0.2159 0.9004 ? ? ? ?
MLN/Rating wgts per item (cheating) 0.18699 0.7962 0.1347 0.6507 0.1867 0.7964
MLN LR/Rating (wgts per item+select #iter by cv) 0.1871 0.8089 0.1347 0.6057 0.1873 0.7923
Tuffy (model 1) 0.6499 inf* 0.3892 inf 0.2536 1.011

inf because Tuffy predicts a male to be 100% female and vice versa

MLN wgt per item

One rule for g(u)

One rule for each positive item Rpos(u,i) ^ g(u)

One rule for each negative item Rneg(u,i) ^ g(u)

Rpos(u,i) is true if user u gives a rating >=4 to item i

Rneg(u,i) is true if user u gives a rating <4 to item i

3000 iterations for 100k's results

3000 iterations for 1m's results

55000 iterations for yelp's results


MLN LR/Rating (wgts per item+select #iter by cv)

select number of training iterations by cross validation

CV result (100k) #iterations = 6775

CV result (1m) #iterations = 2900

CV result (Yelp)#iterations = 64400


Note: contents of those codes are the same except the parameters to find_min

Tuffy results

All Tuffy related files (codes, input files to Tuffy, etc) can be found at here: contains commands that I used to learn weight and do inference on Tuffy