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Results for Paper for Predicting Gender from Movie Ratings

Here are the publishable results for the paper

  • make sure you use the definitions of the errors in the paper
  • make sure that you set hyperparameters by 5-fold cross validation
  • you may only train on the specific data given (the ratings before 884673930 and the gender of the people who rated before 880845177), and report on the accuracy on the test set (which is the same as the assignment)
  • the descriptions should be suitable for inclusion in a paper. In particular someone should be able to reproduce the results from the description.
Method ml-60k ASE ml-60k Log loss ml-1m ASE ml-1m Log Loss Yelp ASE Yelp Log Loss
Predict 0.5 0.25 1 0.25 1 0.25 1
training average 0.2159 0.9004 0.2043 0.8637 0.2364 0.9604
training average (pseudocount=50) 0.2139 0.8932 0.2044 0.8642 0.2364 0.9605
Naive Bayes/Normal Distribution/Rating > 3 0.2160 0.9006 ? ? ? ?
BPMF(5) with Logistic Regression/Ratings 0.1950 0.8223 ? ? ? ?
BPMF(5) with Logistic Regression/Rating > 3 0.2046 0.8673 0.1896 0.8083 0.2363 0.9600
BPMF(5) with Logistic Regression/One Start With User Gender Int Var/Rating > 3 0.1927 0.8235 0.1871 0.8015 ? ?
MF and LR (k = 5) /Rated 0.2155 0.8995 0.2055 0.8683 0.2361 0.9595
MLN LR/Rating (wgts per item+stop early) 0.1896 0.8284 0.1356 0.611 0.2364 0.9604
MLN LR/Rating (wgts per item+select #iter by cv) ? ? ? ? ? ?
Markov Logic Network with Hidden/Rating > 3 0.2124 0.8882 0.2048 0.8652 0.2344 0.9538
Logistic Regression + limited parents (Rated) 0.1934 0.8387 0.1505 0.6772 0.1885 0.8013
Logistic Regression + limited parents (Rating > 3) 0.1994 0.8489 0.1479 0.6683 0.1981 0.8368
MF and LR (k = 5)/Rating > 3 0.1998 0.8440 0.1929 0.8240 0.2358 0.9586
RDN-Boost 36.85 153.70 ? ? ? ?
Alchemy, no hidden units (rated) 0.2349 1.2434 0.1597 0.8267 0.1931 0.8569
Alchemy, no hidden units (rating) 0.2202 1.1486 0.1586 0.8528 0.1984 0.8707

Method Descriptions

For each method, please provide a description of the method (as may appear in a research paper), and a link to the code that produces these results. Make sure your code specifies its copyright.

Training average

The training average is the