COGS 200: Google NGram Assignment

From UBC Wiki

1. Compare Words [1]

Words: smart, intelligent, clever The graph shows that the use of the words 'intelligent' and 'clever' has decreased between 1880 and 2016. Whereas, the use of the word 'smart' has increased over the same period, showing this rise from 1980 onwards. The graph further shows that the use of the word 'intelligent' is more frequent than 'smart' or 'clever'.

2. Wildcard Search [2]

Phrase: My name is * The graph shows that the use of the phrase 'My name is not' is the most frequent, followed by the phrase 'My name is John'. The use of both these phrases peaked around 1900 and then formed a general U-Shape, increasing again around mid 2000's. The phrase 'My name is in' was the most frequently used one in 1820, but its popularity decreased quickly.

3. Inflection Search [3]

Searched for: run_INF The graph showed results for 'run', 'running', 'ran', 'runs', with the use of "run" being the most frequent from 1800 to 2016. Its use gradually increased throughout this period, whereas the use of 'runs' remained relatively stagnant. 'Running' and 'ran' showed some increase, but also remained stable through this period.

4. Search for a word using Part-of-Speech tags [4]

Searched for: run_NOUN, run_VERB The graph shows that the use of 'run_VERB' is significantly greater than 'run_NOUN'. The use of 'run_NOUN' has gradually increased between 1800 and 2016, whilst the use of 'run_NOUN' decreased around 1960, but began to rise again after 1980.

5. Parts of Speech


Searched for: *_NOUN

The graph shows that the noun 'time' was the most frequently used between 1800 and 2016, and its use remained stable over this period. The use of other nouns such as "Mr." and "men" for example, decreased over this timeframe.


Searched for: *_VERB

The graph shows that the use of verbs was generally stable between 1800 and 2016, with the verb 'is' being used most often.